Cheristy and Goofy are on the left! Becky is on the far left, and Cheristy and I are in the middle of the Birthday photo!
Well, I don't know where the last month went. My neice Cheristy arrived and we celebrated her 12th Birthday! Becky baked her a special cake, and several friends came to help her celebrate! I wanted this to be special, since she has so recently lost her dad, her grandpa, and her grandma(my twin sister) I think it's my nature to try and make the world a better place and create new memories.Now, on to comments about Disneyland!
I have decided that the idea of going to Disneyland is more entertaining than the reality, when you are my age! It was fun, however those rides, and my body were at odds with one another for two days! Cheristy and her mom loved them. I think choosing spring break to go was a bit much.
So, what else am I up to these days? I'm trying to sort out everything I need to do for soon being eligible for medicare! Who would have believed I would still be alive this long? I got new glasses so I can pass my eye test; had my hearing checked and I'm good there. Found out I have Arthritis in my back, as well as my knees and shoulders, and for all my complaining, I really do have a fracture in my tailbone! (I've fallen several times in the past two years) But the good news is that I'm in great shape for the shape I'm in! God has really blessed us with good friends, and a pretty healthy attitude about life. I'm working on a new quilt for my neice Deanna, and the next post will show the results. Hope everyone is looking forward to those May flowers!